TT Challenge III: Week 2, Day 3
I have made myself sit down and write something today. Have been really busy trying to set things up for my business so just have not had time. Here is what I have been up to lately:
Week 1, Days 6 & 7
It was the weekend but I worked most of it putting together my business profile. I went for the most beautiful walk/run on Saturday. The sun was out, birds were everywhere, I sat (yes, I know - was suppose to be moving!) for a few moments when I got to the end of the peninsula where I live and watched a big bird flying around and diving into the ocean to catch fish. The ocean glimmered and sparkled in the sun light. After that I didn't feel like moving fast so I strolled slowly back home and took everything in around me.
Fathers day on Sunday so dad came for dinner Saturday night. Cooked a healthy chicken roast. Yum. We cook it in a covered roasting dish with a rack at the bottom. No oil. I just eat the white breast meat of the chicken and leave the rest to my husband. We don't eat the skin. The veges are pretty much steamed I guess as they go in after about an hour. We usually have sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, onions, garlic and peas with home made mint sauce. My husband usually has gravy from a packet as well. The best thing about this meal is that if we get a big enough chicken and put HEAPS of veges in we can have it three nights in a row and sometimes even for lunch as well.
Week 2, Days 1 to 3
Did both my scheduled workouts on Monday and this morning. Have felt quite tired the last couple of days and it is only because I am not working an was able to sleep in an extra hour that I can say I enjoyed the workouts when I finally did them. My upper back as been quite sore - it feels like there is a whole lot of tension in there that I just can't seem to get rid of. Yesterday was the worst. I gave up trying to work towards the end of the day and had a spa but even that didn't help.
I did a short 20 minute yoga session yesterday morning to try and relax my back a little. I think that made it worse! Downward dog can be quite hard when you have not done it for awhile!
Yay. My sacroiliac joint has been holding up pretty well. A little tender every now and again but seems to right itself pretty quickly. Still being very careful.
Nutrition has been ok. A bit frustrating at times when I really feel like something healthy like tomatoes, grilled fish etc and because of our limited budget all I have available is bread and tinned tuna. I actually really like tuna but I also like variety and prefer to limit food from a can.
I have a confession. Alllll day yesterday I wrestled with the thought of having a kitkat! I think it was because I was sore... anyway, in the end I gave in and drove to get one. Changed my mind and brought a fruit and nut chocolate bar... when I got home I thought. NO! I will not have this now. I can at least wait a couple of hours and share it with my husband. Now here is where I am suppose to say that is what I did. Hmmm. Nope. That thought was gone as quickly as it came. I almost felt like I was going to cry I wanted that chocolate bar so much! After justifying myself with thoughts of "I have had a rough few months one teeny tiny chocolate bar isn't going to hurt, I deserve it... I am sore and feel yuk... it will relax me... I just want it... I am denying myself so much at the moment... stuff it... I am having it". The world didn't explode and it was rather nice so I am not going to be too hard on myself.
Breakfast this morning was a bit of a surprise. I decided to put a bit of time into making a healthy breakfast. Here is what I had:
Scrambled eggs (with veges) on toast with freshly squeezed orange juice. Sounds healthy doesn't it. Well it might have been healthy but when I entered my food into DietController (after I had eaten it I might add) I got the fright of my life! These were the ingredients:
Eggs x2
Rocket (about 3 large leaves)
Coriander (handful/fresh)
Cheese (approx 50g grated - see below... wrong move to have this in it)
Chili powder
Carrots (.25cup grated)
Bread (1x grain)
Butter (not even half a tsp)
Tomato sauce (1Tbsp - umm, yes - a weakness of mine, have it on everything, use the light variety. It was only 22 calories)
Non fat milk (approx .25 cup)
Freshly squeezed orange and grapefruit juice (off my tree and the neighbours... they gave them to me, I didn't pinch them!)
This added up to... da da... a massive, whopping 732.6 (DietController is very exact) calories! Bugger is what I first thought when I realised. The two things that really topped it over were the cheese and the fruit juice. I wasn't even going to have the frigging cheese. I talked myself into it by saying that I need more protein and the breakfast was not going to have many calories so I should really have it. The fruit juice I don't mind so much as it always leaves me feeling lovely and refreshed for several hours afterwards.
So there you have it. Another few days in the exciting life of me. Now I am off to do some work.
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