Monday, May 12, 2008

Sacroiliac joint injury

Hi everyone. Just and update on my back injury. Got worse in the weekend. Went to osteo yesterday and she thinks it is my sacroiliac joint. She has told me I have to be really careful as I could slip a disk. There are a few exercises I could try (mainly involving bi-lateral movement using machines) but I have to be really, really careful and there are risks. Even swimming is risky - could kick wrong and twist things again.

My plan is to rest for another week and see how things are. If things are getting better I will look for gentle exercises I can do. Even if I have to do nothing for the next three weeks so I have a chance of getting right before the end of the challenge I will. The Osteo didn't seem very encouraging when I mentioned I was intending doing a fitness challenge in a few weeks though.

I am really struggling at the moment. I am in quite a bit of pain physically and mentally I feel really down. It took months for me to get in the right head space to be able to achieve what I have so far and I am so scared I wont have the energy to get back there again. I know what I should be thinking/doing - easier said than done.

I probably wont be posting too much in the next few weeks as painful to sit at a computer.

If anyone has any suggestions on how I can manage/speed recovery please let me know.